Finding the X-Factor for Your Pool and Other Topics

If you want your pool to be special, you need to find its X-factor. What is going to set your pool apart from others? What is going to make it uniquely yours? By answering those questions, you start to find your pool's x-factor, its je ne sais quoi in other words. Hi my name is Jenna, and I love my pool. I also love the features I have added to make it unique. Elements like my climbing wall with a diving platform and my retro deck furnishings really make it special. I am going to write about all of that and more in this blog. I hope my tips inspire you to have more fun around your pool, and the mum in me has to remind you to be careful as well. Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Tips on how to winterize your above-ground swimming pool.


A swimming pool in your backyard is always viewed as a luxurious addition. Establishing a fitness routine or just lounging in the lazy afternoons are some of the options that come to mind as you imagine putting it to use. However, nobody really thinks about the winter when swimming is no longer an option. Before winter establishes itself, it's important to protect your swimming pool from damage due to freezing water and ensure it remains clean during its period of disuse. If you own a swimming pool, here are some tips to prepare it for winter.

Balance the pool water.

You should watch the chemical balance of your pool and keep it balanced. Use a testing kit to measure the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels and adjust accordingly. A chemical imbalance will cause a variety of problems for your pool over the course of winter. The pool may be corroded or high water hardness levels will cause scaling. Both are a chore to clean up come spring. As you add various chemicals into your pool, ensure that the pH remains ranged from 7.2 to 7.8. The alkalinity should be maintained at 80-120 ppm for concrete pools and 125-170 ppm for fiberglass or vinyl pools.

Use quality winterizing supplies from reputable pool shops.

Various equipment and tools are required to get the job done. They include pool covers, pool pumps and skimmer gizmos. Buy your supplies from a reputable pool shop to be assured of their quality. An anchored and reinforced mesh cover is a good option since it is also child proof other than just protecting the pool. Skimmer gizmos are essentially expansion plugs that prevent water from getting into the skimmer and freezing. Low-quality expansion plugs are liable to crack so make be careful in your purchases.

Lower the water level.

As water freezes, it expands so lower the water levels in your pool to prevent undue stress from being exerted. However, draining your pool completely is a mistake. You will risk the hydrostatic pressure popping it out from the ground or dislodging a pool liner. The water level should be lowered below the skimmer to prevent water from getting inside and freezing. The precise level you intend to lower the water level will depend on the type of pool cover you are interested in. For a mesh pool cover, keep the levels 15-18 inches below the top of the pool while for solid pool covers, 12-16 inches below the top is ideal. This is to prevent accumulation of debris on the cover which could damage it.


31 August 2016