Finding the X-Factor for Your Pool and Other Topics

If you want your pool to be special, you need to find its X-factor. What is going to set your pool apart from others? What is going to make it uniquely yours? By answering those questions, you start to find your pool's x-factor, its je ne sais quoi in other words. Hi my name is Jenna, and I love my pool. I also love the features I have added to make it unique. Elements like my climbing wall with a diving platform and my retro deck furnishings really make it special. I am going to write about all of that and more in this blog. I hope my tips inspire you to have more fun around your pool, and the mum in me has to remind you to be careful as well. Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Choosing Safe Pool Fencing for Adventurous Toddlers


As a recent viral video has shown there is a large difference between having pool fencing that meets local regulative restrictions and pool fencing that cannot be climbed by children. Inadequate pool fencing can lead to drowning and injuries in children under 5. Here are some tips to make sure that your pool fence is hard to scale by your children.

Clear away any nearby trees or bushes

Kids are very clever at using any nearby trees or bushes to get a foothold on the fence so it's important to keep any nearby shrubbery trimmed. Even relatively spindly or thin arms can be used to get over the top of a fence and gain access to the pool by an eager child. 

Remove any chairs or tables from the area

Again, kids can be very clever at pushing over tables, chairs, and bins to form a convincing climbing frame to get over the fence. They will often be able to push and balance items on top of each other that you may not expect, such as placing bikes on tables to get access over a pool fence. Not only is this dangerous because the child may get access to the pool, but also they can fall off their climbing 'combo' and may also hurt themselves. It is important to keep all items that could be used for climbing away from the pool fence to prevent this possibility. 

Keep your fences maintained

Over time fencing that has not been well maintained may be loose and easy to push over. It can be a good idea to check the fence at the end of winter to make sure that fence is stable and will not easily be able to be pushed over by an eager child. 

Keep updated on changing requirements

While your fencing may have met previous requirements, pool fencing requirements are often updated to reflect new testing and research into pool safety. It is a good idea to keep an eye on pool fencing updates as these can be an important part of keeping your family safe. 

If you would like some more information about whether your current pool fencing is safe and appropriate for a toddler it can be a good idea to get some advice from a pool fencing company who can review your yard and pool and offer specific advice. It's better to confident in the safety of your pool from the start, rather than correcting issues when you find your toddler can climb an inadequate  fence. 


18 January 2017