Finding the X-Factor for Your Pool and Other Topics

If you want your pool to be special, you need to find its X-factor. What is going to set your pool apart from others? What is going to make it uniquely yours? By answering those questions, you start to find your pool's x-factor, its je ne sais quoi in other words. Hi my name is Jenna, and I love my pool. I also love the features I have added to make it unique. Elements like my climbing wall with a diving platform and my retro deck furnishings really make it special. I am going to write about all of that and more in this blog. I hope my tips inspire you to have more fun around your pool, and the mum in me has to remind you to be careful as well. Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Pool Maintenance Tasks That New Pool Owners Should Remember


According to a 2016 report, visiting or hosting friends and family is ranked the 3rd most common leisure activity among Australians after eating, drinking out and playing sports. During such occasions, swimming pools are regularly used; therefore, proper maintenance is mandatory. For pool contractors, this is good news because it only means increased business. However, if you have just gotten a new pool, you might not know how to best maintain it. It is, therefore, essential to get off on the right foot, and that means avoiding mistakes during pool maintenance service. Read on to find out some pool maintenance tasks that you need to remember to do.

Test the Pool pH

Pool maintenance contractors often encourage pool owners to check their pools at least two or three times a week if they use their pools frequently. Unfortunately, not many pool owners follow this advice despite the importance of the longevity of their pools. This can be dangerous because a huge pool pH can cause health problems and pool issues. For this reason, always ensure that you regularly test your pool's pH.

Inspect the Pool Filters

Residential pool cartridges are designed to last through approximately 2,000 hours of use, or one to two years. However, some new pool owners forget that this is only the case if the pool is used correctly. Unfortunately, that is not always the case because chemicals such as lotions, hair care products and suntans work against the filters and consequently wear the filters fast. This can happen in most residential pools considering that many families spend most of their time in their pools. Make it a habit to inspect the pool cartridges, even if you installed one the previous week, since a lot can happen within seven days.

Add Pool Shock Tablets Correctly

Pool shocking is an essential part of pool maintenance because it helps to kill pool bacteria that might prevent chlorine from sanitizing pool water. During pool shock, the correct procedure is critical to effective shocking, but this is where some new pool owners get it wrong. Rather than pre-dissolving the tablets in a separate bucket of water, some pool owners throw the tablets directly into the pool. It stems from the belief that the approach creates a better concentration in the pool, which would work effectively. However, nothing could be further from the truth because throwing chlorine tablets directly leads to very high pH, which can bleach anything that goes into the pool. Always remember to dissolve the tablets before adding them into the pool.

If you need help with swimming pool maintenance, contact a company like Leisure Coast Pool Centre.


6 December 2019