Finding the X-Factor for Your Pool and Other Topics

If you want your pool to be special, you need to find its X-factor. What is going to set your pool apart from others? What is going to make it uniquely yours? By answering those questions, you start to find your pool's x-factor, its je ne sais quoi in other words. Hi my name is Jenna, and I love my pool. I also love the features I have added to make it unique. Elements like my climbing wall with a diving platform and my retro deck furnishings really make it special. I am going to write about all of that and more in this blog. I hope my tips inspire you to have more fun around your pool, and the mum in me has to remind you to be careful as well. Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Two tips to follow when buying supplies for your new pool


If your contractor has recently finished building your pool and you now need a few supplies for it, you should follow these tips.

Consider your and other pool users' size and mobility levels when buying your pool ladder

Of all of the pool supplies you'll need, a pool ladder might be one of the most important ones. Having at least one ladder in the pool will make climbing in and out of it much safer and easier for anyone who takes a dip.

When purchasing this item, you should consider your and other pool users' mobility levels. For example, if you and your family are tall and athletic, then it's probably fine to get a pool ladder that has, for example, just three or four, widely-spaced thin rungs (a ladder style can look much sleeker and more minimalist than other ones), as with your long limbs and physical strength, you should have no difficulty pulling yourselves up from one rung to the next, even if there's a big gap between them, and taking the bigger steps that are required with this type of ladder.

However, if there will be children or small, elderly adults using the pool, you might be better off having your contractor fit a pool ladder that has six or seven closely-positioned steps (rather than rungs), that won't be too challenging for these smaller, weaker people to use and which provide more room for their feet to stand on if they need to take a break whilst they're midway through climbing in or out of the water.

Get a cleaning net with a telescopic pole

Even if you're planning to use your pool contractor's cleaning service, you should still get a cleaning net for your pool, as in between the contractor's visits, you'll still need to remove things like grass blades, food wrappers and leaves that fall into the water.

Making sure that this item has a telescopic pole that you can elongate or shorten by several feet will make using this equipment much easier. It could, for example, allow you to use the net to scoop up debris from one side of the pool whilst you're standing on the other side, without having to walk all the way around the pool first. If your pool is very large, it could also allow you to remove rubbish from the centre of it without having to wade into the water and get wet every time you need to do this.

Contact a local pool equipment supplier to get more tips.


17 November 2021