Finding the X-Factor for Your Pool and Other Topics

If you want your pool to be special, you need to find its X-factor. What is going to set your pool apart from others? What is going to make it uniquely yours? By answering those questions, you start to find your pool's x-factor, its je ne sais quoi in other words. Hi my name is Jenna, and I love my pool. I also love the features I have added to make it unique. Elements like my climbing wall with a diving platform and my retro deck furnishings really make it special. I am going to write about all of that and more in this blog. I hope my tips inspire you to have more fun around your pool, and the mum in me has to remind you to be careful as well. Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Pool Maintenance You Might Overlook


As a pool owner, you know the importance of basic maintenance. Cleaning your pool and skimming it for leaves and other debris are the most common forms of maintenance. There are other steps that can directly affect the lifespan of your swimming pool. Here are some of the pool maintenance steps you may overlook and how they can affect your pool health. 

Seasonal Preparations

As the seasons change, your pool needs different types of preparations. When you are preparing for colder temperatures you may want to close off the pool. This means ensuring it is cleaned and proper pool chemicals are added to maintain the durability of the pool while it is not in use. The pool contractor will also discuss pool covers that are suitable for your pool and the environment. For example, you may want to consider a heavy metal pool cover for added security. During the warmer months, your pool will need preparations to remove any growth that occurred during the cold weather. The water will also need preparations to ensure it is safe for use. 

Liner Inspection

The liner of your pool is vital to your pool's lifespan and durability. All too often, the liner is overlooked during routine maintenance schedules. If the liner has a small rip or issue, this could lead to much larger and more costly issues in the future. For example, the longer a bubble or rip in the liner is left unattended, the larger it can become. This means more of the liner seal will break down and pull away from the pool wall. The rips can grow larger and allow more water to enter between the liner and the wall of the pool causing leaks, mould and other related issues. 

Pump System Check

Skimmer blockages and jet blockages can cause the jet systems to slow down and prevent the water from cycling as it should. Sometimes a simple cleaning can not alert you to an issue within the system. Instead, you need to run pump checks as well as pressure in the pump. Running these checks on a routine basis can alert you to any slow issues that could mean there is a clog or breakdown in the system that needs repair. 

If you need help with your pool maintenance and the scheduling or routine involved, contact your pool contractor. They will work with you to create a schedule that is ideal for your environment, pool and age of your pool. The pool contractor can also discuss other options for maintenance you may want to consider. Keep in mind, your pool contractor may offer maintenance packages or bundles to consider as well.  

For more information about swimming pool maintenance, contact a local contractor. 


1 August 2022